by Terry Hart
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A collection of links to pdf versions of Terry Hart's Power Point presentations.
(Links are underlined)Introduction:
Visiting the Bureau of Meteorology web siteEmbedded and related links:
Bureau of Meteorology web pageWhat is Weather:
Lightning Megaflashes, and What is Weather?Embedded and related links:
Youtube video Lightning Tracing, crawling across sky in Northern AustraliaAtmospheric Pressure:
Why is pressure in the atmosphere so important?
Embedded and related links:
Aerodrome ForecastsYoutube video How Does Temperature Affect Air Pressure?
Atmospheric Pressure:
How the atmosphere responds when there is a pressure difference
Embedded and related links:
Youtube video The Galaxcy Song from Monty PythonWikipedia: Coriolis force
The Coriolis Effect:
The Coriolis EffectEmbedded and related links:
Youtube video What The Physics?!Youtube video The Coriolis Effect Explained
Wikipedia: The Hadley Cell
Why do we have weather?
Why do we have weather?Embedded and related links:
Youtube video What is global circulation? | Part One | Differential heatingYoutube video What is global circulation? | Part Two | The three cells
The Gobal Circulation
The Global Circulation
Embedded and related links:
Satellites Orbiting the Earth in 2022Clouds
CloudsEmbedded and related links:
Youtube video What is global circulation? : Part Two : The three cellsInternational Cloud Atlas Manual on the Observation of Clouds and Other Meteors
International Cloud Atlas Useful concepts
Youtube video A Tutorial on Cloud Types
Youtube video Why are there clouds?
Youtube video How do clouds float?
ABC video What's in a cloud? A guide to what cloud formations can tell us about the weather
International Cloud Atlas Cloud identification guide
The Cloud Appreciation Society
Youtube video Joni Mitchell
Both sides, nowClouds and the Global Circulation
Clouds and the Global CirculationEmbedded and related links:
Youtube video A year of weather 2021Monitoring the weather and climate from space EUMETSAT
Observing the Weather
Observing the WeatherEmbedded and related links:
Youtube video Derek Muller explains Why the Fahrenheit scale is so wierdThermal comfort what does Feels like mean?
Weather maps from Ship Traffic Net including Beaufort Scale wind maps
Observing the Weather (2)
Observing the Weather (2)Embedded and related links:
F = 9/5 C + 32
C = (F - 32) 5/9
1 knot = 1.85 kilometer/hour (Approx 9/5)Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder
Measuring solar irradiance: the Pyranometer
Upper Air Measurements
Upper Air MeasurementsEmbedded and related links:
Preparing and Launching a Weather BalloonYoutube video Derek Muller explains Weather balloons on Venus, a helicopter ;n Mars
Upper Air Measurements (2)
Upper Air Measurements (2)Embedded and related links:
Zoom EarthEvaporation Rates, Condensation Rates, and Relative Humidity
The Global Weather Observing System - Aircraft and Satellite
The Global Weather Observing System - Aircraft and SatelliteFronts, Troughs and LowsEmbedded and related links:
World Meteorological Organisation: Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay AMDARAtmospheric Motion Vectors: Past, Present and Future
NASA Earth Observatory Rare Filling of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre
NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS
European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forcasts ECMWF
Fronts, Troughs and LowsEmbedded and related links:
What are air masses?From the MET Office What are weather fronts?
From the BoM AskBOM: What is a cold front?
From the ABC What is a cold front and why does it do so much damage?
More on Fronts, Troughs and Lows
More on Fronts, Troughs and Lows
Embedded and related links:
Wikipedia Air massWhat is the jet stream and how does it affect the weather?
Wikipedia Hadley Cell
Weather Radar
Weather Radar
Last week's WeatherEmbedded and related links:
From Phys Org Camels' noses inspire a new humidity sensorLooking for water Landsat Looks at the Moon
Measuring War's Effect on a Global Breadbasket
The ABC How the history of weather forecasting went from reading clouds to supercomputers
BOM video How does a weather radar work?
To explore some past cases at:
Australian Weather Radar ArchiveFor examples:
Thunderstorms in Melbourne : 22 March 2019 02-11 UTCTropical Cyclone Debbie: Bowen or Mackay radars: 27 March to 1 April 2017
Rain in Sydney 1 to 4 July 2022
Black Saturday, Melbourne: 7 February 2009 02-15 UTC
both the standard images and the Doppler view.Hail in Brisbane: 27 November 2014 03-09 UTC
Weather Radar - Ocean - Waves and Swell
Weather Radar - Ocean - Waves and Swell
Embedded and related links:
A page of links to Extreme temeratures around the worldAustralian Weather Radar Archive
"Local" winds
"Local" winds
Embedded and related links:
Katabatic winds and Antarctic weatherYoutube video: What are Foehn Winds?
Youtube video: Phase changes in water
Sky and Rain
Sky and Rain
Embedded and related links:
Youtube video nbsp;Blue Sky in a Cup; Try this Experiment!Youtube video nbsp;Clouds and Cloud Formation
Wikipedia nbsp;Wilson Cloud Chamber
Youtube video nbsp;Why Do Clouds Stay Up?
Youtube video: Bergeron process
Embedded and related links:
Ask BOM video What is a thunderstorm?Ask BOM video What is a severe thunderstorm?
Hail and Tornadoes
Hail and TornadoesEmbedded and related links:
Ask BOM video What is a thunderstorm?Ask BOM video What is a severe thunderstorm?
Weather Wise video What is hail? How is hail formed and why does it happen?
Tornadoes and Lightning
Tornadoes and LightningEmbedded and related links:
GOES-R site: video What Causes a Tornado?Why the US has so many tornadoes
Wikipedia Enhanced Fujita scale
National Geographic The science of lightening
Lightning and Tropical Cyclones
Lightning and Tropical CyclonesEmbedded and related links:
Weather Wise: video How does lightning work? Where does it come from?Wikipedia Sprite_(lightning)
Wikipedia Linghtening conductor (rod)
Wikipedia St. Elmo's fire
Wikipedia Ball Lightening
What is the difference Hurricane vs Cyclones vs Typhoons
What's the difference? Hurricane vs. Tornado
Tropical Cyclones El Niño/La Niña
Tropical Cyclones El Niño/La NiñaEmbedded and related links:
Nation Hurricane CenterBOM video Severe weather outlook
BOM Storm surge
BOM Severe Tropical Cyclone Tracy
Youtube video Dale Grey The very fast break: September 2022
El Niño/La Niña/Indian Ocean Dipole
El Niño/La Niña/Indian Ocean DipoleEmbedded and related links:
Charles Todd (1826 - 1910)BOM Australian climate influences timeline El Niño and La Niña events
BOM Climate Driver Update - Pacific Ocean
El Niño/Southern Oscillation
Video from BoM Climate kelpieIndian Ocean DipoleVideo from BoM Climate kelpieEl Niño/La Niña/Indian Ocean Dipole Global effects & Ozone Hole
El Niño/La Niña/Indian Ocean Dipole Global effects & Ozone HoleEmbedded and related links:
Argo statusBOM Latest Sea Surface Temperature Analysis
BOM Indian Ocean influences on Australian climate
BOM video El Niño _ Southern Oscillation
Dog video Climatedog Enso: a big influence on Australia’s climate and seasonal variability (El Niño/La Niña)
BOM video Understanding the Indian Ocean Dipole
Video from Climatedog Indy: important for delivering spring rainfall in Australia (Indian Ocean Dipole)
Ozone Hole & Forecasting the Weather
Ozone Hole & Forecasting the WeatherEmbedded and related links:
ANTARCTIC OZONEGobal Monitoring Laboratory South Pole Ozone Animations
NASA video Ozone Watch
Ozone Watch video October 2022
Climate Prediction Center Meteorological Conditions & Ozone in the Polar Stratosphere
Wiki Ozone Depletion
United Nations Environment Program video
Ozone ActionVideo The Montreal Protocol
Southern Hemisphere (Antarctic) Stratospheric Ozone and Temperature Data: Time Series
Forecasting the Weather
Forecasting the WeatherEmbedded and related links:
Ocean Measurements Ocean currents
Ocean Measurements Ocean currentsEmbedded and related links:
Argo's statusCalifornia Academy of Sciences Why Do We Have Different Seasons?
GCSE Geography Understanding Global Atmospheric Circulation
Met Office: What is global circulation? Differential heating
Met Office: What is global circulation? The three cells
Forecasting the Weather Accuracy and limitations
Forecasting the Weather Accuracy and limitationsEmbedded and related links:
Weather and Chaos: The Work of Edward N. LorenzFact sheet: Ensemble weather forecasting
Climate Change
Climate ChangeEmbedded and related links:
Joseph Fourier (1768 ~ 1830)Eunice Newton Foote (1819 ~ 1888)
Scripps Oceanography The Keeling Curve
2022 Prime Minister's Prize for Science Professor Trevor McDougall AC
Global Warming Blog Roy Spencer
BoM The State of the Climate 2022
Australian Academy of Science The science of climate change
Bureau of Meteorology/CSIRO Climate Change in Australia
Professor Ray Cas's Power Point presentation Assessing the factors that cause climate change
====================== In November 2024 Terry Hart was the guest speaker at Field Naturists Club of Victoria his presentation was
Weather, Climate and GeologyAn embedded link:EUMETSAT: A year of weather 2023
Interesting Links (Links are underlined)
The International Space Station has a webcam pointing at the earth. However it is not always switched on!Atmospheric PressureThe Atmosphere of the Earth the Wikipedea article
Galileo's Pump Problem and Toricelli to the rescue.Magdeburg Hemispheres in 1654 a team of 16 horses ould not pull them apart the explanation
Guns and Coriolis forces Wide of the mark by 100 yards Climate and Security Textbooks and the Falklands Coriolis myth.
Sir David Attenborough address to the United Nations Security Council Climate and Security 23 February 2021
The Moon Illusion A 'real' psychological illusion; one cannot photograph an illusion.
Yes one can see over the horizon its a type of mirage; one CAN photograph it. It requires good visability and special weather conditions ie. a temperature inversion.
How is sound carried on the wind? It isn't its all to do with refraction
Lawrence Krauss's lastest book The Physics of Climate Change Brilliant and timely
Milankovitch Cycles
Do Milankovitch Cycles enable us to explain the Ice Ages?
Two good videos..... Video 1 Video 2
And the answer: Yes, partly!Why is the sky blue? Rayleigh Scattering
Chaos, the Lorenz Attractor and The Science of the Butterfly Effect
How to calculate The obital period of a satelite
All about Arctic Climatology and Meteorology
Rainbow or Iridesent Clouds
Many winds have names! See The Names of Winds
Useful Links: (Links are underlined)The Main Players (Links are underlined) :Click on the global above to see a map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions etc. on an interactive animated map of the world as forecast by supercomputers,and updated every three hours.
Input: Temperature, Presure and either Wet Bulb Temperature or Dew Point then calculateTerry Hart's Summer School Understanding Weather through the web and using Smart Phone Apps
Zoom Earth See the world's weather in real time. And you can turn on the wind.
Blackburn Horticultural Weather Station
American Meteorogical Society Glossary of Meteorology
Galileo Galilei 1564 - 1642The Instruments of Measurement (Links are underlined) :Evangelista Torricelli 1608 - 1647
Blaise Pascal 1623 - 1652
Edmond Halley 1656 - 1742
George Hadley 1685 - 1768
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit 1686 - 1736
Anders Celsius 1701 - 1744
Luke Howard 1772 - 1864
Francis Beafort 1774 - 1857
Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis 1792 - 1843
Robert FitzRoy 1805 - 1865
William Ferrel 1817 - 1891
John Tyndall 1820 - 1893
William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin 1824 - 1907
John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh 1842 - 1919
Charles Wilson 1869 - 1959
Wasaburo Oishi 1874 - 1950
Alfred Wegener 1880 - 1930
Theodore von Karman 1881 - 1963
Tor Bergeron 1891 - 1977
Walter Findeisen 1909 - 1945
Edward Norton Lorenz 1917 - 2008
The Barometer Atmospheric PressureThe Thermometer Temperature
The Hygrometer Humidity
The Anemometer Wind Speed
The Rain Gauge Precipitation
Admiral Fitzroy's Storm Glass Sod All
Crookes Radiometer Radiation
Complaints about the weather should be directed to:
Terry Hart by email: terryhart27@hotmail.comComplaints about spelling mistakes and/or links that fail to open should be directed to:
Tony Heyes by email:
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