Social Philosophy
by Dawn Heffernan OAM
A short tutorial - just in case you did not know!Paul Davies:
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Watch Listen PowerPoints Giggle Others Useful links or Notes fot Tutors
Things to Read (Links are underlined)
The Aboriginal response to the Voice Referendum To Prime Minister and every Member of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Commonwealth ParliamentWhat Oppenheimer the film gets wrong about Oppenheimer the man
What Is Metabolic Rift?
Wikipedia on Marxism
Read also from Critique of Political Economy Marxism
The Age of Reason, also known as the Enlightenment.
From The Spectator
Cracking consciousness: how do our minds really work?Yuval Noah Harari From Gaza to Iran, the Netanyahu Government Is Endangering Israel's Survival
The Conversation
How do Russia's reasons for war stack up? An expert on 'just war' explainsRoss Gittings' rather good article on Adam Smith
Why people can be much nicer than economists assumeSpurious Correlations some very amusing graphs
CRISPR: Philip Ball After the Nobel What next for Crispr gene-editing therapies?
Australia's Energy Crisis
If you favour renewable energy but have not done the maths read The Pitchforks are ComingOUPblog: Oxford University Press
The Turing test is not about AI: it is about our tendency to project humanity onto thingsAdam Smith: download a copytight free copy of his famous bookCOVID-19 and pollution: double standards, quadruple bias
The Black Death : how did the world's deadliest pandemic change society?
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations here
You may then move it to your Kindle reader - if you've got one!The Conversation: Is humanity doomed because we can't plan for the long term?
Three experts discussThe Conversation: Francis Fukuyama The End of History
Aeon: Biologists balk at any talk of 'goals' or 'intentions' - but a bold new research agenda has put agency back on the table
Life with purposeAnthropologist Wade Davis on how COVID-19 signals the end of the American era
The Unraveling of AmericaJames Rachels Democracy and Its Crisis
The Philosophical Life: Cultural Relativism: A Seductive Yet Disturbing Theory The thoughts of James RachelsFrom Aeon: Alan Jern Effective altruism is logical, but too unnatural to catch on
The Conversation: on Free Will Will I or won't I? Scientists still haven't figured out free will, but they're having fun trying
Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations
Rene Descartes Descartes and the Discovery of the Mind-Body Problem
Paul Davies What is life?
Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe?
John H. Evans takes us down The slippery slope of the Human Gene Editing
The most powerful Gene Editing tool is CRISPR
The 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry went to two young ladies who invented CRISPRTED talk by Nobel winner Jennifer DoudnaTED talk by Ellen Jorgensen What you need to know about CRISPR
TED talk by Jennifer Doudna (2023) CRISPR's Next Advance Is Bigger Than You Think
bozeman presents What is CRISPR?
The Big Think Jennifer Doudna, Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, & more CRISPR: Can we control it?
From the Oxford University Press blog The Turing test is not about AI: it is about our tendency to project humanity onto things. The Conversation Shutterstock In Victoria, whether you get an ICU bed could depend on the hospital.
Jim Gordon
Global population to peak at 2064 before heading into ‘inexorable’ declineAn Aeon article: The ungoverned globe The end of the liberal order would unleash chaos; its continuanceunconstrained economic suffering. What to do?Jim Gordon's The Chinese are leaving us in the dust
An Aeon article does a demolition job on Edward de Bono: Rethinkng Lateral Thinking
A good Aeon article: Why so many Physicist are wrong about free wiil
How a Stimulus Package works.
Judy Ryan found ths article: How the Coronavirus Pandemic puts moral philosophy to the test
Peter Cook's Power Point presentation: The Happiness Report
Camilla Cavendish tells us we may be wrong to assume older people cannot learn as well as younger ones.
Train your brain: How to keep your mind young.From The Conversation: Fake News.
Michael Howard, our resident acturary, gave us a paper on Artificial Intelligence in which he made several references to an article by McKinsey: An executive's guide to AI
It is a pdf file but should download if you click on the above link.
From The Conversation: All about juries, why do we actually need them, can they get it wrong?
Or, if you would prefer it as a printable Word document click Here.
The Social Contract and Philosophy
Or, if you would prefer it as a printable Word document click Here.
Judith Brett's new book: From secret ballot to democracy sausage
Or, if you would prefer it as a printable Word document click Here.
A belief in meritocracy is not only false: it's bad for you.
Summary of some of the main reasons for the belief in the existence of a God.
Return to the Menu
Videos to Watch: (Links are underlined)
Korczyk's ClassJeffrey SachsThe Buisness CycleThe Belt and Road; As the West Slumbers, China AdvancesKeynesian Economics Concepts Explained
Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand Theory
and another on the same subject
A brave Israeli Historian Lectures Netanyahu on the Formation of the State of Israel
Artificial Intellegence
An Alan Turing original paper The Imitation GameCrash Course Philosophy from Square SpaceThe "Godfather of AI" Geoffrey Hinton late of Google, warns of The "Existential Threat" of AI
And after Hinton won the Nobel Prize for Physics, 2024
Is AI conscious? Two ChatGPTs talk about being conscious
Yoval Noah Harari on AI and the future of humanity
Sam Harris TED talk Can we build AI without losing control over it?
Toby Welsh on Advanced AI - are we repeating the mistakes of the past?
Sky News Australia interviews 'free-thinking' artificial intelligence
Divine Command TheoryJohn Mearsheimer on The liberal international orderPopulation collapse
Peter Zeihan Things are beyond terminal The Old World Order Is About To CollapseJohn Pilger on Ukraine and Assange This is a war of propagandaJorden Peterson Population Collapse Is Coming
Jennifer D. SciubbaThe Truth About Human Population Decline
Kerry O'Brien Our vote is precious
Post Election Media Watch Anthony Albanese becomes Australia's 31st Prime Minister following a turbulent 6-week campaign. We dissect the media's coverage and behaviour, and whether it swayed the final result.
Konstantin Kisin Speech to world leaders at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) Conference 2023
Jack Matlock Former U.S. Ambassador to USSR:
A video Ukraine Crisis Stems Directly from Post-Cold War Push to Expand NATOKenya's Ambassador to the UN - Martin Kimani's speech onAn essay Jack Matlock Corrects the Record on American Foreign Policy
The Ukraine - Russia CrisisIan Bremmer Ukraine and World Order
The Shorter Version The Longer VersionSteven KooninThe Limitations of Climate Change ModelsProf Brian Schmidt at the National Press Club December 2023Hot or Not: Steven Koonin Questions Conventional Climate Science and Methodology
Ayn Rand
InterviewsAl Gore How to make radical climate action the new normalThe Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn RandBooks and Book ReviewsAtlas Shrugged: Book ReviewThe Book Club: Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand with Eric Daniels
Why Atlas Shrugged changes lives
The Book Club: The Fountainhead Ayn Rand with Andy Puzder
John Stuart Mill : An Introduction (On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women)
Thomas Hobbes : Social Contract
John Locke : Social Contract Theory
George Berkeley : Berkeley's Idealism
John Rawls : The Problem With Human Rights
Sir Geoffrey Nice : Human Rights, Philosophy and History
Slime mold A Brainless Blob that Seems Smart
Bishop Robert Barron Ideas Have Consequences:
The Philosophers Who Shaped 2020 Marx, Nietzsche, Sartre, Foucault.Leiden University - The Philosophy of the Humanities
1.1 Introduction to logic1.2 Induction and background theories
1.3 Where reasoning goes wrong
1.4 Karl Popper and the logic of falsification
2.1 Thomas Kuhn, normal science
U.S. Policy & "West's False Narrative" Stoking Tensions with Russia, ChinaJohn Mearsheimer The West is responsibleDavid Harvey How NATO Motivated Russia's Ukraine Invasion
Nuclear submarines
Stan Grant: interviewing Victor Gao Nuclear subs for AustraliaKevin Rudd New submarine plan could leave Australia 'strategically naked for 20 years'
Discussion: three religious leaders THE RULES OF THE GAME: Just War Doctrine
TED talk: Stephanie Kelton The big myth of government deficits
TED Talk Juan Enriquez Ethics in the age of technology
James Lovelock on the future How to save humankind
TED talk: Philip Fernbach Why do we believe things that aren't true?
Stephen C. Meyer Senior Fellow and Director for the Center for Science and Culture in the Discovery Institute puts The case for Intelligent Design
James Lovelock
The man who named the world Gaia 1989Ideas and Society: La Trobe University webinar:
Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull The Challenge of ChinaVisualizing Herd Immunity (with 500 Mousetraps!
The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy
C P SnowThe Philosophy of Science
Thomas KuhnThe Structure of Scientific RevolutionsKarl PopperOn Falsification & Science (1989)Wave/Particle Duality
Dr Quantum's cartoon version The Double Slit Experiment.Far better, see
Jim Al-Khalili: Having fun and hamming it up: The Double Slit Experiment at the Royal Instition, London.
Jim Al-Khalili
Energy and EntropyRichard DawkinsTED Talk Why the universe seems so strange.Denis NobleRichard explains NeoDarwinism
Why Dawkins is wrong better title would beSteven Pinker
Why Darwin would not have been a neoDarwinist?Enlightenment nowSolipsism and the Problem of Other MindsThe Blank Slate
The book launch: The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human NatureThe aftermath: Human nature and the blank slate
Anti-Essentialism:   Wittgenstein's Notion of Family Resemblebce
Critical Thinking:   Necessary & Sufficient Conditions
In conversation with: Bertrand Russell (1952)
Alan Turing
Alan Turing - Celebrating the life of a genius:Yoval Noah HarariThe Turing Test: Can a computer pass for a human? by Alex Gendler
Listen to The Science Show devoted to Turing
Read about the film based on Turing's time at Bletchley Park The Imitation Game
AI and the future of humanityNeuroplasticity and NeurogenesisNationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide
Why fascism is so tempting -- and how your data could power it
The war in Ukraine could change everything
What explains the rise of humans?
On BBC's Hard Talk: The legacy of Covid-19
Michael Sandel and Yuval Noah Harari in conversation
A short question posed by Michael Sandel What becomes of democracy
Talks at Google:
New Religions of the 21st Century 2015Tony Heyes A radio interview Our Plastic BrainsDavid Eagleman
TED talk Can we create new senses for humans? in which he makes reference to the pioneering work of Paul Bach-y-RitaAlvin Plantinga
also reference to Peter Meijer's The VOICeDavid Eagleman:The Harvard Science Book Talk: Livewired: The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain.
David Eagleman asks Brain over mind?.
David Eagleman does a brilliant job addressing the question God vs No God
Science & Religion: Where the Conflict Really LiesNorman Doidge
Conversations That Matter: The power of the brainAndre Vermeulen
TED talk: How neuroplasticity helps us shape who we becomeSandrine Thuret
TED talk: Neurogenesis: You can grow new brain cells.The Butterfly Effect
Chaos: The Science of the Butterfly EffectEmergence - How Stupid Things Become Smart TogetherPsychology Issues & Debates: Holism and Reductionism
Holism & Reductionism
Natural sequence farming: How Peter Andrews rejuvenates drought-struck land
Sir David Attenborough address to the United Nations Security Council Climate and Security 23 February 2021
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Farewell Address ; A Warning On The Military-Industrial Complex January 17, 1961
and in spit of Dwight Eisenhower's Warning: Military Industrial Complex's Growing Budget (2014)And in 2022
Colonel Richard Black Points out that the UK/USA have 900 military bases world wide whereas Russia and China have just 35. The Illusion of Russian and Chinese Aggression Around the WorldRousseau State of Nature - A Philosophical Glimpse
Locke State of Nature & the New World | Philosophy Tube
Hugh Mackay Communities in Control 2018
Estoril Conferences We live in a blended world
Hannah Critchlow on Free Will The Science of Fate Somewhat spoilt by her tendency to laugh at her own jokes.
John Locke and read Locke's Influence on the Declaration of IndependenceAdam Smith but also see The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759)
Political Philosophy
Edmund Burke - Reflections on the Revolution in FranceBaruch Spinoza
What is Spinoza's God?A C GraylingDemocracy and Its CrisisThe Social Contract Thomas Hobbes and John LockeThe Challenge of Cultural Relativism a brilliant talk in praise of representative democracy.
Knowledge, Truth and Wisdom at the University of Lincoln.
The Origins and Future of Humanism at the Wheeler Centre.
In converstion with Lawrence Krauss
in a debate With Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins
Why Science and Religion Think Differently
ABC Radio, Big Ideas, Grayling on Philosophy and life at the Melbourne Writers Club.
A mesmerising video showing The top ten car producing counties from 1950 to 2019
Jordan Peterson on Hitler Bathed Even More Than You Think
TED talk: Iyad Rahwan asks What moral decisions should driverless cars make?
Van Jones discribes an alarming prospect: What if a US presidential candidate refuses to concede after an election?
The Philosophical Life: Cultural Relativism: A Seductive Yet Disturbing Theory The thoughts of James Rachels. But to read the man himself, read....
James Rachels The Challenge of Cultural RelativismDavid Hume: A short videoPeter Singer TED talk: The why and how of effective altruism
Determining Causality: A Review of the Bradford Hill Criteria
Psychology Issues & Debates: Holism and Reductionism
Nicolas Perony: TED talk Complexity Theory
Buzz Feed: 209 Seconds That Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence
Closer To Truth : Robert Lawrence Kuhn asks the questions:
What is Philosophy of Science?Sir Roger PenroseSimon Blackbourne: What is Causation?
Lothar Schafer: Does Consciousness Cause the Cosmos?
Are Brain and Mind the Same Thing?
Sir Roger Penrose: Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?
Why Explore Cosmos and Consciousness? Quantum mechanics and consciousnessHis Orch OR theory of consciousness. His Mind-Bending Theory of Reality
Denis Noble on Evolution and inherited Aquired Characteristics
Do Persons Have Souls?A debate Daniel Dennett VS Robert Sapolsky
Do We Have Freewill?John Searle: Philosophy of Free Will
John Searle and others: How do Language and Consciousness Relate?
Arguing God from Consciousness
Michael Shermer Fallacies in Proving God Exists
Does Information Create the Cosmos?
Is the Universe fine-tuned for life and mind?
Does a Fine-Tuned Universe Lead to God?
Can Many Religions All Be True?
What can science say about God?
Sean Carroll:
Philosophy of Physics and CosmologyPaul Davies: What is the Origin of the Laws of Nature?Paul Davies: Does Consciousness Lead to God?
George Ellis: What really exists?
David Chalmers : What are Observers?.
Where do the laws of physics come from?Michio KakuThe Universe in a NutshellFrancis Collins makes the distinction between deism and theism Is religion a threat to science?There are 2 types of god. Only one is within the boundary of science.
John Searle
TED talk: Our shared condition - ConsciousnessDavid ChalmersTEDXCERN: Consciousness & the Brain
TED talk: How do you explain consciousness?The role of the observer! Thomas Young's Double Slit experimentDavid Chalmers : Why is Emergence Significant?
David Chalmers : On Emergence
Jim Al-Khalili: Having fun and hamming it up: The Double Slit Experiment at the Royal Instition, London.Richard Feynman: One of the 20th Century's greatest Physicists discusse Ways of Thinking and the Cosmological RealityDr Quantum's cartoon version: The Double Slit Experiment
James Randi
TED talk: Homeopathy, quackery and fraudJeff Rosen TED talk: Germany: Low Crime, Clean Prisons Lessons for America.Exposes the Peter Popoff Ministries
Anil Seth TED talk: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality
DNA: We are all cousins, take the DNA Journey alternatively watch the Monty Python Version
Rachel Carson: "Silent Spring" Four short videos
American experience DocumentaryLarry Brilliant:TED Prize wish: Help stop the next pandemicTom Wessels: TED Talk: Simply Complex SystemsTED May 2020: A global pandemic calls for global solutions
John Stuart Mill - On Liberty
Sacha Baron Cohen
Accepts the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) International Leadership Award5Rowan Atkinson - On Free SpeechTalks a lot of sense on the decline of democracy and the negative impact of Facebook.
Rob Brydon reveals popular Shakespeare phrases in everyday use You're quoting Shakespeare.
Richard Wolff on:
The Rise and Fall of the USSRGraham Allison: TED Talk Is war between China and the US inevitable?.Yuval Noah Harari on BBC's Hard Talk: The legacy of Covid-19.
The science behind The Butterfly Effect.
What is Natural Selection.
Derek Muller from Veritasium
Everyone should watch this, it is so interesting because it is counter intuative: The Baysian Trap.John Cleese in serious mode gives us an insight into Extremism.
Tim Minchin's Address to the University of Western Australia on being awarded the Honourary Degree of Doctor of Letters.
A young student asks Why America is the greatest country in the world and gets a brilliant answer, but not the answer she expected.
A long and rather disturbing film about the delusion of Green Energy Planet of tbe Humans not a "feel good" but an important film.
Noam Chomsky & Lawrence Krauss: discuss An Origins Project Dialogue: Part 1.
Noam Chomsky & Lawrence Krauss: discuss An Origins Project Dialogue: Part 2.
Noam Chomsky
Manufacturing ConsentGérard Araud, former French ambassadorManufacturing Consent ~ the longer version
Putin, Ukraine, China, and Nuclear War Lex Fridman asks stupid questions but Chomsky shines through.
US 'rules-based order' means Western domination, violating international lawCambridge Conversations: Responding to the medical challenges of COVID-19 the film of a Cambridge Alumni Webinar; April, 2020.Nick Hanauer's TED talk The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward
Ray Monk: an Intro to the Philosophy of Mathematics.
Bryan Magee Author of The Story of Philosophy
on An Introduction to Philosophy with Isaiah BerlinJohn Rawls: Political Theoryon Medieval Philosophy with Anthony Kenny
on Contemporary Philosophy with David Balcarras
on Philosophy of language with John Searle
on Philosophy and Politics with Ronald Dworkin
on The Frankfurt School with Herbert Marcuse
on Philosophy and Literature with Iris Murdoch
on Philosophy of Science with Hilary Putnam
on Socrates & Plato's Philosophy with Myles Burnyeat
on Aristotle with Martha Nussbaum
on René Descartes with Bernard Williams
on Spinoza & Leibniz with Anthony Quinton
on Locke & Berkeley with Michael Ayers
on David Hume with John Passmore
on Immanuel Kant with Geoffrey Warnock
on Schopenhauer with Frederick Copleston
on Friedrich Nietzsche with J P Stern
on Hegel and Marx with Peter Singer
on Ludwig Wittgenstein with John Searle
on Frege, Russell, & Modern Logic with A J Ayer
on Rawls vs Nozick with Ronald Dworkin
on Heidegger and Existentialism with William Barret
in conversation with Noam Chomsky
A very elderly Bryan Magee on Karl Popper
Robert Nozick:
Nozick's Entitlement Theory: The Philosophy of the Free MarketThe Mathmatics of Tipping Points by Thomas Bury.What is a Complex System ?
The Dunning-Kruger Effect - Cognitive Bias - Why Incompetent People Think They Are Competent.
An extreme example Dunning-Kruger Effect example.The "Dunning-Kruger Song" from The Incompetence Opera.
Best use of renewable energy and technology by Japan Tokyo Olympics 2020.
How nature gets its rhythms: Feedback loops.
Technological Determinism
James Lovelock
An introduction to James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis: Daisy World.Suzanne Simard TED talk How trees talk to each otherAn interview with James Lovelock the creator of the Gaia Hypothesis.
Jerad Diamond's TED talk Why do societies Collapse? With lessons from the Norse of Iron Age Greenland, deforested Easter Island and present-day Montana.
Donald Hoffman's TED talk Do we see reality as it is?.
Vilayanur Ramachandran
TED talk Three clues to understanding your brain in which he introduces us to Bouba and Kiki.How can life experiences and environmental factors modify behaviour across generations?TED talk The neurons that shaped our civilization.
Terence Pang from the Florey Institute explores the theme of epigenetic inheritanceFactfulness
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World - and Why Things Are Better Than You Think is a 2018 book by Swedish statistician Hans Rosling with his son Ola Rosling and daughter-in-law Anna Rosling Ronnlund.Barry Schwartz TED talk What role does luck play in your life?.
This formed part of Dawn's questionnaire on which we all did so badly!
Michael Howard has read the book and distilled the essence into a Power Point presentaion.
but see
How not to be ignorant about the world
The mindset of factfulnessGeorge Monbiot
TED talk The new political story that could change everythingBill Gates
TED talk The next outbreak? We're not readyMichael SandelTED talk Why we shouldn't trust markets with our civic life.Malcolm Roberts putsTED talk The tyranny of merit.
The full Michael Sandel's Harvard Justice Course.
To see a lecture Full Screen: select the lecture, click on the down arrow at the bottom right hand corner of the screen, wait for the reload.
Now click on the box image at the bottom right hand corner of the new screen.if, however you wish to see the cartoon version of these lectures click here
The first lecture in the series deals with the Trolly Problem The Moral side of Murder
Whats Fair? Equality, affirmative action, and meritocracy
Michael Sandel on A New Politics of Hope at the Royal Society of Arts in London, December 2018.
This is different from his student lectures, quite chnellging but well worth the effort.Michael Sandel on the values of being a human being
Michael Sandel on Utilitarianism: the Trolly Problem
Michael Sandel on Imanual Kant 1
Michael Sandel on Imanual Kant 2
Carbon Dioxide in perspective and, yes, he totally misses the point!One should now read the Oxford University Press Blog entitled
Why urgent action is needed to avoid centuries of global warmingAlso, watch Professor David Karoly on Q&A answering the question Can You Please Explain Global Warming?
Ronald Reagan in 1964, putting forward the Republican argument
"A Time for Choosing"
Matt Walker's TED talk
"Sleep is your superpower"Yuval Noah Harari asks the question What explains the rise of humans?
Life of Privilege Explained in a Muslim woman claim all Muslims are portrayed badly .
Taking the lid off renewable energy
Renewables for donestic useTED Talk: Why renewables can't save the planet by Michael Shellenberger.Renewables for base load use
and Tony's Power Point presentation How many solar panels do you need?Tony's Power Point presentation Renewables for Base Load
Or simply watch the emebedded videosWhat's wrong with wind and solar.And finally Tony's Noddy's guide to Fission and Fusion
All true, except for his concluding remarks.
Much better we learn from Kirk Sorensen.Kirk Sorensen on Thorium reactors: LFTRs in 5 minutes.and LFTR vs nuclear waste - Plutonium, americium, curium etc. (the transuranics) can be fissioned, that is, comsumed.
How to lose weight The Physics of Fat: Tony's Power Point presentation.
and Rubin Meerman's Ockham's Razor Program that inspired it.
Carole Cadwalladr asks, "Are free and fair elections a thing of the past"? in her TED talk: Facebook's role in Brexit.
Rabbi Lord Johnathan Sacks on Understanding Antisemitism.
A sensible and thoughtful discussion:
Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, David Wolpe and Bradley Artson Shavit ask Is there an afterlife?.
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Audio links for us to Listen: (Links are underlined)
The Science Show special Sir John Eccles
The Philosopher's Zone An Atheist's God - The Paradox of Spinoza
Bertrand Russell
Why I Am Not a Christian (1927)The COVID Conversation from The NewDailyFacing up to the ethical challenges of who survives, and who keeps their jobs, Dr Simon Longstaff - Executive Director of The Ethics Centre - says there are no easy answers, or certainties, when looking to do the right thing.Ourfamed Nobel Laureate Peter Doherty talks about why we will get a vaccine and what happens if we don't. He teases apart why our immune system so often lets us down and explains some of the complicating factors of a virus that he says isn't so mysterious. He also lets fly with what's making him angry.
Prof Roger Short tells Robyn Williams of his surprise on learning about The God Gene
A brilliant raconteur, one of the very best Science Shows: The full Roger Short Interview. Almost an hour but every minute a gem.A C Grayling How to live well, according to philosophy
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PowerPoints: (Links are underlined)
Dan RabinoviciStoicismRelated links:
From the Conversation Want to be happy? Then live like a Stoic for a weekFrom Modern Stoicism Stoic Week
Democracy in RetreatRelated links:<----
From the Israeli daily Haaretz Yoval Noah Harari This Is Definitely a CoupYoval Noah Harari Netanyahu's Next Power Grab Is Coming
---->Soren KierkegaardTony HeyesOur Changing View of Reality: A Scientific Perspective
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Videos to make us Giggle: (Links are underlined)
Moments of Wonder Philomena CunkOn PhilosophyThe Two Ronnies not Philosophy but considered to be the best of British humour Four Candles
Orson Wells advocates tyranny and corruption over brotherly love and democracy and uses Italy and Switzerland as examples. In the role of Harry Lime from The Third Man (1949).
Michael Cain You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!
Peter Sellers does a wonderful Michael Cain impersonation - 1970
The Trolly Problem: A two-year-old's solution
Tom and Jerry: Russia vs Ukraine and NATO
Yes, Prime Minister:
Salami Tactics and Nuclear DeterrentCrane Operator's competence test in GermanySir Humphrey explains The Church of England
The Prime Minister explains Who reads the papers
Sir Humphrey Appleby explains Why Britain Joined the European Union.
Walter Matthau telling Johnny Carson about ordering breakfast during his stay in hospital in 1982.
American bedside table
Two opera singers
New laws for the pronuciaion of English words Stay Sane and Carry On
Funny student at exam hall
The British Royal Family is Indian
Boris cleaning chair with commentary by Sir David Attenborough
Scottish Haka
Birds can Dance
Venn diagram Career Choice Analysis
Mr. Bean Salvation Army Carols
Dame Edna In the Royal Box
New York, New York NYC Bids Adieu To Donald Trump (In Song)
Tom Thumb presents a most unusual TEDx talk
Sound of Silence Lockdown Parody The Sound of Sirens
Guy Noble and West Australian Symphony Orchestra give us a 2020 version of H.M.S. Pinsfore
Alfred Hitchcock presents THE TRUMP VIRUS.
its all in the telling. The incomparable David Niven tells Parky The Prawn Joke.
Parky (1971) is amused by Muhammad Ali.
Not for the straight-laced
Monty PythonA young Billy Connolly makes his first appearance on Parkinson in 1975. He tells The Wife Joke which shocked Parky and the BBC but establish Connolly as unforgetable.The Philosophers' Football Match.Daniel Emmet sings Nessun Dorma...alla Corona.The surviving members of Monty Python at their reunion concert at the O2 Arena sing The Philosophers' Song.
Dave Allen
Wrong side of the bed.Donald Trump and Idi Amin Two peas in a pod.Tom Rush Searching for my glasses.
Roan Atkinson as Toby the Devil.
Important information about the consumption of Tequila.
Melbourne humour on tbe subject of Coronavirus: Flatten The Curve.
Tom Lehrer explains that he Got it from Agnes.
Tony Hancock The Blood Donor
Pam Ayres
They should have asked my husband.Sheldon debunks Astrology.
And her accent: rural Berkshire/Oxfordshire.
Mitchell and Webb in: The Homeopathic A&E Department.
Peter Cook & Dudley Moore: At the art gallery.
Jay Lafferty explains Brexit.
What has the European Commission on Human Rights ever done for us Sir Patrick Stewart explains
while from The Life of Brian John Cleese asks: What have the Romans ever done for us?Northerner terrifies Londoners by saying "Hello".
An amusing example of the philosophical problem of self Trigger's Broom.
Joe Lycett's Parking Ticket Story: "doth butter no parsnips".
Laurel and Hardy Let's twist again.
Just beautiful: Stjpan Hauser & an orchestra of young people play Nessun dorma
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Karl Popper: (Links are underlined)
A German language film with subtitles:
A doctrine against doctrinaires: the enduring radical modesty of Karl Popper.Read Karl Popper's Darwin Lecture - 1977.
Finally some of the "odds and sods"which have interested the class:: (Links are underlined)
Three young tenors: NOT the sons of the famous three tenors but they do sing rather well.
Don McLean's tribute to Vincent Van-Gogh: Vincent: AKA Starry, Starry Night
Virtual Tours
Sainte Chapelle ParisAnd a cartoon sent to me by Lisbeth Wilks
Another interesting optical illusion Crazy Circle Illusion
Some drawings by Roger Penrose
Believe it or not but the blue lines ARE parallel
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Useful Links: (Links are underlined)
OpenAI is a non-profit research company that aims to develop and direct artificial intelligence (AI) in ways that benefit humanity as a whole. The company was founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman in 2015 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Sign in for free and ask the chatbot questions HERE. You will be amazed.
Australian National University Library of Resources ANU TV
They vote for you put in your Post Code and see How your MP voted
Oxford University Press Blog
Become a Citizen Scientist
Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we're solving require so many computer calculations. Yyou could help us find the cures!
The Folding@home software runs while you do other things. While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases such as cancer, ALS, Parkinson's etc.
Download Folding At Home and get started!The Royal Institution (UK)
YouTube Channel. a huge number of splendid videos many to do with the brain.Try Radio Garden every green dot is a radio station!Also the famous Christmas Lectures in which eminent scientists present their field of study to a young audience.
If you are interested in a scientific view of Comlimentary or Alternative Medicine, and a host of otber things, visit : The James Randi Foundation.
Find more medical good sense here: Friends of Science in Medicine.
If you have grandchildren or young friends who are looking for a different party idea, how about a Cosmology Party. Look at: Stones, Bones and Stars
The children will get to handle crystals, a meteorite, dinosaur teeth and to see rock from the moon.
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Notes for Tutors/Lecturers: (Links are underlined)
It is possibleto stream these links live to the class but it is frought. It is much better to download the link to your own computer prior to your presentation.Return to the MenuThe best download software I have found is Airy It is available for use both on PCs and the Apple Mac.
Hybrid Zooming
Small Meeting Hybrid Tech SetupLarge Meeting Hybrid Tech Setup
Going Hybrid: Buying Guide
Inviting Guest Speakers
To enable guest speakers to find their way to Manningham U3A copy the following URL and paste it into an
To see the URL for yourself go to HERE
Any comments or suggestions, if you spot any spelling mistakes or if you find a link that no longer works, please contact Tony Heyes by email:
For parsimonious reasons I have tacked this web page on to my existing web site.
The address of this page this is hard to remember.It is better that you go to
www.sonicpathfinder.organd follow the links starting with the link in the cyan box very near the top of the page.HOWEVER: Manningham U3A has a New Web Page and a link to this page - and other Class Posts - can be found at the top.
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This web page has been written by Tony Heyes
of Perceptual Alternatives
medizinische Artikel This counter is in Germany so Today becomes Yesterday in the middle of our Australian morning. Verstehen Sie?