Dr John O'Connor (1933 - 2021)

John studied Geology at the University of Melbourne. He went on to obtain a PhD in Environmental Science. He had a clear understanding of a very wide range of sciences and the ability to explain them to a lay audience. Coupled with this he had an enviable knowledge of the classics and was able to recite poetry when the occasion demanded. He was no ultracrepidarian, he would have passed C P Snow's culture test with flying colours.

John was an active member of the Social Philosophy class. His politics - slightly to the right of centre - often helped to balance a discussion. Whereas Voltaire's dictum that "Even if we disagree with the speaker we should defend their right to express it" can be difficult to follow in this age of conspiracy theories and claptrap. In John's case there was no difficulty, one knew whatever he said was thoughtful and considered.

In his Cosmology class he was a star. His grandson Liam puts it so well: "Jock brought the dinosaurs to life and the stars to earth." From the Big Bang to the evolution of the human brain John brought the spotlight of his intellect to bare.

Manningham U3A has lost one of its greatest assets and I have lost a dear friend, a humorous friend and a very teasable friend.

Tony Heyes


John's U3A activities were only a small part of his rich and fruitful life. During his last few days John wrote to his family and friends. Reference to his U3A friends is near to the end:   John's farewell


John's funeral took place on 17th August 2021 during a COVID-19 lock-down. Attenance at the furneral was limited to close family members but 175 people tuned in on the world wide web.
You may revisit the funeral here.


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  To see details of John's original course and other writings clickthe late   HERE



This web page has been written by Tony Heyes
of Perceptual Alternatives






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