Sonic Pathfinder Training

There are two main training options.

Instructor Training

Three day - or one day - training courses are provided from time to time for Mobility and Orientation Instructors who wish to become Accredited Sonic Pathfinder Instructors. The one day courses are 'conversion courses' and are for people who are already accredited Sonic Guide Instructors. The courses are conducted either by the inventor of the Sonic Pathfinder, Tony Heyes, or by an Accredited Sonic Pathfinder Course Tutor.

Note: Of interest to Orientation and Mobility Instructors in the United States. The Sonic Pathfinder Instructor Training course has received recognition from the AER. Anyone doing the course, or who has previously done the course, may apply for AER Accreditation as a teacher of Electronic Travel Aids.

Dennis Cory continues to run courses in continental Europe.
For details contact Dennis at IRIS.

The Distance Learning Package

Demand for the Sonic Pathfinder from clients who do not have a locally resident Sonic Pathfinder Instructor has led me to develop the Sonic Pathfinder Distance Learning Package (SPDLP). The SPDLP comprises: a Sonic Pathfinder, a monitor cable, a copy of the Training Manual and a video tape. The package is designed to be used by the vision impaired client in conjunction with his/her sighted Mobility Instructor. The package works well provided either the client or the instructor is on email and is able and willing to keep in regular contact with Tony Heyes the inventor of the Sonic Pathfinder.

The Distance Learning Package incorporating an NTSC video tape is available in the USA.