London's Natural History Museam

The statues


Charles Dawin at the top of the stairs and Alfred Russell Wallace in the garden.


(click on an image to read about it)






At midnight in the museum hall
The fossils gathered for a ball
There were no drums or saxophones,
But just the clatter of their bones,
A rolling, rattling, carefree circus
Of mammoth polkas and mazurkas.
Pterodactyls and brontosauruses
Sang ghostly prehistoric choruses.
Amid the mastodontic wassail
I caught the eye of one small fossil.
"Cheer up, sad world," he said, and winked-
"It's kind of fun to be extinct."



These web pages have been written by Tony Heyes
of Perceptual Alternatives  using     Arachnophilia.
and   IrfanView.
They have been tested using the ubiquitous Internet Explorer
and also with my browser of choice    Firefox icon  Mozilla FireFox.